We Have a Problem - Acknowledge It
To solve a problem the first and foremost requirement is to acknowledge the problem. Ironically , that our forest , rivers , fragile eco systems of the Himalayas are under constant threat and wetlands fast vanishing , has not been acknowledged by us. We have been pounding over the statistical figures making the figure of one State sound better that that of another and similarly shown that we are statistically better from other countries. But as it is said for figures that if you torture them enough they give the desired result.
We have been in the state of false assurance that our forest, wetland, wildlife and environment are fully secured and protect and are here to stay forever. Taking support of statistics will not do justice to this problem and a question being answered by each one of us being true to ourselves to take stock of the world around us as it is today and as it was say 10-15 years back would provide us with all answeres.
A miniscule portion of our vast country now is left wildlife and forests and that too are constantly under threat from development project and demand for their natural wealth. The forest and waterbodies are the sole providers of the for the life giving water and air and ignoring them would have disastrous implications. Over the years since independence we have only lost our green and wild cover and in turn lost or bought some of the species to or near extinction. This has further been accelerated by the overdosage of pesticide and fertilizer which though has not effected the humans in any big way but it is not far away when we humans would also have a similar fate as that of the Vulture.
The apex animal “Tiger” is the classic example of our ignorance and Sakiska the best result of the implication of this ignorance. When this can happen to the tiger which was usually found in protected area , than the plight of our winter visitors , who fly thousands of miles and find that their favorite lake has been filled up or has dried up can be well understood. Its hard to understand what these delicate birds must be feeling after the long efforts they put in. Crossing the Himalayas only to be shot down in large numbers during their migration.
In our country the government and its departments are the sole custodians of our wild wealth. They are the protectors and planners and therefore our expectations from them it enormous. They guard our factories of pure air and fresh water and carry on a serious work. It is only requested to the persons safe guarding our interest that on one hand more of these life giving factories are required and therefore have to be developed and on the second hand the PRIORITY inside a PA or IBA or that to any place where there is wild animal or bird or tree should be given to these voiceless creatures and not to us humans. This in the long term would only be in the interest of us humans. Every tree be in the forest or city is important , cutting the tree is easy but replacing the same requires another 20 – 30 years. A forest or water body lost is gone forever. The government departments could open their doors to external experts and volunteers and a public private partnership could also ease a lot of pressure on the forest staff and also bring a Transparency in their functioning which would be in the interest of all.
We have all joined the rat race to become a developed nation. But do not have an answere to – what is being developed in the Indian context ? when will we develop ? is development sustainable? And many more.
That does not mean that we should be against development. After all the number of mouths that we produce need food and employment . But in this race we have taken Mother Earth for granted. Since we are still getting water and air we have developed a false sense of security that it is here to stay. But as in any production line the raw material is always required for the finished product and hence for this air and water we do require the raw materials of our natural wealth which includes every plant and animal. As each has a purpose and role in nature to maintain its balance and the smallest to the largest has its own importance.
GDP (Gross Domestic Product) forms an important fiqure to determine our status as an nation in this world. But GDP as defined is the total market value of all final goods and services PRODUCED within the country in a given period of time. Production is the result of the input of raw material and hence GDP in a way give the measures of what we have consumed and made out of our resources.
Does not a wealth man mean the one who has all the gold and big bank balance. i.e the common form of our measurement of a rich person is the one who has more of gold , silver etc. etc and not the one who eats more (consumes) more and more and might have a lot of debts and loans in his backyard.
Let us take a example , if we package say 100 litre out of the water of the river Ganga then the GDP would be measure of this 100 litres. Now in order to grow we would require more and more of this water to make the figure of GDP grow and look better. Now on one hand we have started excess exploitation of the water and on the other hand have no measure of howmuch water is left.
Now had we been the wiseman we would have opened our teasure chest of the river Ganga , analysed the amount of water that he had and then used it wisely to our needs. This would have shown how rich we are in the true sense and would have also resulted in the judicious use of the resoure.
We have very little of natural wealth left. The western countries are already saving their wildlife , forest and water bodies on a war footing , then why are we lacking behind ? Population in our country is a problem , but if we give all the forest to be converted into fields and cities would this problem be solved? Our forefathers were foresighted and understood the necessity of the trees , lakes and forest and its is just due to their judicious use of there natural wealth that we are there to see the day , but if the present trend of mindless exploitation of our natural wealth continues for sometime the process of destruct would become irreversible. Lest us acknowledge that we have a problem and start working on it.
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