Thursday, June 19, 2008

Grey-headed Fish Eagle (Ichthyophaga ichthyaetus)
Hindi name – Madhuya
About the Bird – Head and neck pale brownish grey , mantel light fawn, rest of upper part is dark brown with blackish flight and brown uppertail coverts. White tail sports a broad blackish-brown subterminal band with a narrow pale tip. Breast and upper belly fawn , paler than black. Lower belly onwards pure white. The white tail band separate it from the Lesser Fish Eagle.
The Eagle is an uncommon resident of low lying forested or wooded area having a perennial water source around. It ranges from the Terai of Uttar Pradesh andUttrakhand to the Northeast States and upto Kanyakumari in the south. It is absent in northwet Indian upto Punjab and in the desert and semi arid areas.
Sighting At Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary – The Eagle was sight twice on the on the Bundha Road in the month of April and May 08. It fishes its prey from the small pools of water on both side of the bundha. A early morning visit in the summer months when the water in the pools dries up and catching the fish becomes easy is the time to watch this bird.

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