Friday, June 13, 2008


(from L-R -Back Row - Sameer , Jamuna, Amit . Front Row - Manaswi , Shekher)

A jungle is full of incidences and after thoughts result in a write up. As a sequel to the injured owl that was sighted at the Sujauli Area of Katerniaghat while we were returning back to our Tharu Huts at Katernia, at a turn on the forest road we saw a fire. It was a first one for us inexperienced group. Our guide - Jamuna immediately jumped from the vehicle and rushed towards the fire. We the lot stood still trying to figure out a way to extinguish the fire. Jamuna was our instant teacher and guided us to cut the near by bush and then to pat the fire with it. We immediately encircled the fire from all sides and started the operation. The cane with its thorns was our biggest enemy and often resulted in cuts . After around an hour the fire was extinguished. It was an achievement for us with a satisfaction that we could save the forest.

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